Mittwoch, 26. November 2008

Nabaztag - a talking rabbit as an interface

I just bought a new Nabaztag rabbit.
A friend of mine sent me a link to their homepage and I could not resist: (amazing how viral marketing works).

What made me curious was, how an object (in this case a rabbit) works as an interface.
You can give him a name and choose a voice, and he starts to talk to you. He reads news and feeds from internet sources, but can also signal that you received an E-Mail or SMS. He even plays your favorite radio station, if they stream it online.
Also, you can give him orders. If he learns your voice, you can ask him to tell you the weather forecast or to check stock prices.
You can also use him as an alarm clock and tell him, with what noise he should wake you up.

I will bring it to the office next week and let it read out all my incoming mail. Or I could connect it to our sales ticker to please us with a little melody, as soon as an item is sold.

I´m sure, that lots of applications will follow.

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